Make sales office and other fields in VA01 as required
Today one of the member of our telegram group aked how to set sales office as required in transaction VA01. Ater analyzing the User Exits and BADIs of VA01 I realized that this is not way how to solve it. Then another group member came with the idea using transaction variant. So I focused on this.
Question and decision how to implement:
- Can it be solved using standard functions?
- Yes, by recording a transaction variant and assign this to sales order type.
- Must be developed here?
- No.
Implementation steps
Recording transaction variant
Assigning the transaction variant to sales order type
Testing the implementation
After recording and assigning the transaction variant we can test if everything is workig now.
Again we have to record transaction variant
After realizing that the user has the possibilty to create a sales order without entering the sales office we can set sales office in the head of sales order as required. so we have to go back to transaction SHD0 and there we will change our transaction variant. The first steps are the same like described under 1, but instead of confirming with Exit and Save we need to press the ok key so that we continue with creating the sales order and navigating to the head of the sales order.
Second test
Now we can give it a try again to check our changes,